1200 Micrograms - DMT
"I remember the very very first time I smoked DMT."
is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the
blue pill - the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe
whatever you want to believe.You take the red pill - you stay in
Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
"You take the blue pill."
you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you
were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference
between the dreamworld and the real world?"
Terence McKenna, The Matrix
1200 Micrograms - Ayahuasca
thousand years ago, deep in the darkest jungles of the Amazon, the
ancient Incas discovered a mystical vine. They brew up a sacred,
psychoactive, hallucinogenic drink - the holy Ayahuasca"
"You enter a special, magical dimension. The dimension of the spirit world."
drink takes you on a journey of inner discovery. You enter a special,
magical dimension. The dimension of the spirit world."
1200 Micrograms - E=MC2
'Electricity! It's like magic!'
'It's the spark that electrified the world forever!'
'Turn it on and keep it on!'
1200 Micrograms - Ecstasy
'Man... I feel stoned. I feel stoned. I feel really stoned!'
1200 Micrograms - Hashish
'On the seventh day Shiva created hashish'
1200 Micrograms - LSD
'LSD - possibly the most powerful and important psychoactive drug on the planet.'
'Mind-altering psychedelic trip.'
'It expands your conciousness, intensifies colors, thoughts and feelings.'
'Acid. The drug that has changed our world.'
1200 Micrograms - Magic Mushroom
'Magic mushroom, magic mushroom, magic mushroom...'
'Spores, and spores, and spores...'
'Endless hallucinations... the lightest got... hallucinogenic paths.'
'Exploding your mysticism.'
1200 Micrograms - Marijuana
the dried leaves and flowers of the indian hemp weed is used in the
form of a cigarette. Should you ever be confronted with the temptation
of taking that first puff of a marijuana cigarette... do it, do it, do
'Skunk... marijuana...'
1200 Micrograms - Mescaline
ether was wearing off. The acid was long gone. But the mescaline was
running strong. Good mescaline comes on slow. First hour's all waiting,
and then about halfway through second hour. You start cursing the creep
who burned you because nothing's happening. And then...'
'Come on now, let's all take some mescaline!'
of the things you learn after years of dealing with drug people, is
that you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a
'Shimmering, crisping...'
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
1200 Micrograms - Salvia Divinorum
is a news flash folks, we interrupt this program to bring you this
special announcement. A new psychoactive substance has been discovered.
A very powerful psychoactive substance. The most powerful since the
discovery of LSD.'
'A substance so powerful that 300 microgramms is the dose. That means 1 gramm will dose 1000 people.'
'Salvia - s.a.l.v.i.a and then Divinorum - d.i.v.i.n.o.r.u.m.- the diviner's mint.'
Terence McKenna
1200 Micrograms - Speed of Light
'You were travelling at the speed of light, faster than time'
'Then there would be no time'
'Let's all travel at the speed of light!